
Showing posts from February, 2017

Moving Out to a New Home! (Virtually) 😃

Here's today's announcement. Alhamdulillah, after working earnestly for months, I finally can announce that I have a website! So what's up in this website? Aside from being a one-stop center for my portfolio & activities, I have opened my very own online shop! So far, it is full with my preloved books, which brings me to the next announcement; Preloved Books Sale is coming again to you! With even wider range of genres & even more affordable price, this shop as all the books you need. Only click & buy in one browser & one website. A new book would be on sale every day, so keep your eyes out 👀 Susbscribe so that you would be the 1st person to know about new posts & products 👍🏽 For starter, I think this is a good product to lead with. With that being said, stay tuned for more products to come 😏 I'm excited with all the results that come so far, ...

Bila bercakap pasal kejayaan ni...

...satu blog post takkan cukup. Kita selalu dengar kan, yang kita kena berusaha bersungguh-sungguh dalam hidup ni untuk berjaya. Tapi berjaya tu, berjaya yang macam mana? Semua markah 100%. Semua gred dapat A. Macam tu ke? Macam mana sebenarnya kita mengukur tahap kejayaan? Seharusnya, kalau ikutkan, tahap kejayaan kita ni, dilihat, pada keputusan macam mana yang kita dapat, setelah kita telah bersusah payah berusaha, mengikut kemampuan kita. Sebab kalau ikutkan, kita boleh je berusaha sekuat usaha orang lain. tapi, keputusan kita x sama dengan mereka. Boleh je jadi benda macam tu. Selalu je pun. Jadi, perlu kita abaikan terus 100% dan A? Bukan. Bukan itu yang aku galakkan. Tapi, yang nak aku tekankan kat sini, bila kita dapat keputusan kita, baik atau buruk, kita kena jadikan keputusan kita sebagai satu platform untuk kita muhasabah diri. Apakah cara terbaik untuk kita melakukan sesuatu perkara, untuk kita dapatkan keputusan yang terbaik? Bila kita sentiasa...

Let's Talk About Success

Image Everyone wants to become successful. But what is success anyway? If wanting success means getting everything 100% correct, if wanting success means getting all As for grades, well, sorry, but I don't want it. Successful is defined by how far can you go when you put your 100% efforts. And results may vary within each individual. Let's take running as an example. If you put your 100% effort, you may run as fast as a car, or a rocket, or even as fast as lightning. But, we need to remember, there are people, (many of people actually) who also work as hard as you do, who put their very 100% effort to run, but they can only sprint 1 feet away, they can only go 1 meter away, or they might not be able to run, or even move, at all So, should we just ignore the 'finish' line? Should we just walk gracefully on the track, ignoring other racers, a.k.a our competitors, and ignoring the cheers by the ones who ...

Cara Nak Pilih Kerja

Image Sebelum kita nak sembang pasal pilih kerja ni, cuba kita tanya dulu, apa maksud kerjaya tu sendiri sebenarnya? Sekadar pergi kerja, tunggu gaji, lepas tu joli untuk diri sendiri? Kerjaya ni, bagi aku sebenarnya ialah satu gaya hidup yang kita pilih, di mana gaya hidup ni akan menyumbang bakti kepada masyarakat. Sebagai balasan, masyarakat akan beri imbuhan kepada kau atas bakti yang kau dah lakukan. Imbuhan tu kiranya dalam bentuk gaji la. Jadi, bila kita nak cari kerja, soalan yang perlu kita tanya, bukannya berapa banyak gaji yang kita boleh dapat melalui sesuatu kerja, tapi berapa banyak bakti yang kita boleh sumbangkan melalui sesuatu kerja tu. "Kenapa pulak kena fikir macam ni? Apa faedahnya?" Sebab, semakin banyak kau beri, semakin banyak kau akan terima. Semakin banyak kau sumbang bakti, semakin banyak rezeki akan datang. Ini antara hukum alam yang paling ringkas, tapi paling beri kesan dalam kehidupan kita. Satu lagi. ...

How To Choose A Job

Before we can talk about a job, we need to talk about career. So, what does career actually means? You go to work, wait for your paycheck, and then spend it all on your self? Is that what career supposed to mean? Stick with the definition if you like. But actually, career is a lifestyle that you choose, that will benefit the society. And as a return, society will give you whatever it takes to satisfy your needs. To make things easier, they will usually just give out money. Or, as we know by its other name, salary. So, when we are looking for a job, the question that we should ask, is not "How much money can I make out of this?" But instead, you should ask, "How much can I benefit the society through this?" Because you are not actually working for your boss. He/she may seems like he/she is the one who has the control over your money. But actually you are working for society. The main point of job is to actually satisfy society's and people's nee...

Let's Go!

New videos will be uploaded soon. Stay tuned! Blog: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

"Aku Tak Tahu."

Masa aku kecil, aku ingatkan orang dewasa tahu semua benda. Semua tindakan mereka mesti 100% tepat. Masa zaman sekolah pula, aku rasa orang dewasa ni langsung tak bertindak mengikut keadaan semasa, tak bertindak mengikut keadaan generasi terkini. Semuanya 100% salah (kononnya lah) Sekarang ni, bila usia pun makin bertambah, barulah aku faham, apa-apa pun tindakan kita, takkan 100% tepat. Tapi tindakan yang kita buat juga takkan 100% salah. Cuba kita fikir. Dari kecil sampai besar, kita diajar banyak perkara. Berdasarkan perkara-perkara yang kita diajarkan tu, kita belajar pula untuk membuat tindakan dan keputusan sendiri. Tapi, sebanyak-banyak perkara yang kita belajar, kita takkan dapat belajar semua perkara juga. Jadi, dalam diri kita, memang akan ada benda-benda yang kita memang tahu, mahir dan pakar, dan akan ada juga benda yang kita tak tahu-menahu langsung isi kandungannya apabila isu tersebut dibawa berborak. Ini normal. Ini bukan satu masalah. Yang menjadikan benda ...

When You're An Adult Who Don't Know Things

When I was a kid, I thought adults know everything, and they are 100% right. When I was a teenager, I thought adults are so outdated. Whatever that they do, I would view them as relatively 100% wrong. Now, as I am taking steps closer towards adulthood, I realized that, adults are neither 100% right, nor 100% wrong. Let's review our past, from childhood to adulthood. We were being taught so many things, but obviously we didn't know about everything. So, when we become adults, there are things that we do know and master, but there are also things that we are completely clueless about. That is normal, this is not a problem at all. Until problems in our lives appear because we don't want to admit that we don't know things. That IS a problem. A BIG one. We cover it by acting that we know it, and try to figure things out, which only make things worse. When we try to seek for help, more clueless people come, offering 'help' (without knowledge), whic...