Moving Out to a New Home! (Virtually) 😃

Here's today's announcement. Alhamdulillah, after working earnestly for months, I finally can announce that I have a website! So what's up in this website? Aside from being a one-stop center for my portfolio & activities, I have opened my very own online shop! So far, it is full with my preloved books, which brings me to the next announcement; Preloved Books Sale is coming again to you! With even wider range of genres & even more affordable price, this shop as all the books you need. Only click & buy in one browser & one website. A new book would be on sale every day, so keep your eyes out 👀 Susbscribe so that you would be the 1st person to know about new posts & products 👍🏽 For starter, I think this is a good product to lead with. With that being said, stay tuned for more products to come 😏 I'm excited with all the results that come so far,

Can Adults Like Cartoons?

I love cartoons. I really do. But (most of the) people around me are not pleased with it.

Considering I am now a grown-up, a young lady, old enough to become an adult, of course liking cartoons can be a little childish to them.

But then I take a look, what do they as adults, like?

Scrolling aimlessly on social media.
Stalking half-naked posts on Instagram.
Following so-called latest trends blindly, without even trying to find out what they are about.
Getting obsessed with celebrities.

Oh man.

Listen up.

Humans like things. And humans do have tendencies to be obsessed with something.
We've all been there.
We like things based on our interests, and our interests change as time passes.

So, throughout our life, we had liked something but now we hate it.
We had hated something but now we like it.
We can also hate or like the very same thing, from the past until now.

No matter which position you are, they all show you how your interests change, or not.
And this is all are a completely normal human thing to do.

So, whether you like that new book that is coming out on the Big Bad Wolf,
or the new movie that stars Scarlett Johnson,
or that new cartoon that has already translated into Korean language,

whatever that you like, just do not forget that you are an adult.

When you are an adult, entertainment is just a really small fragment, filling in the hustle and bustle of your life, to make you feel more pleasure and occupied.
There a lot more in this world to be looked foward to.

We have responsibilities to be taken care of.
Promises that we need to keep.
Dreams to be fulfilled.
Knowledge that we need to learn.
Relationships that we need to maintain.
Valuable things in life that we need to take care.

Being adult does not mean liking 18+ movies and saying goodbye to your childhood movies. Not at all.

Being adult is being mature, knowing what you should and are supposed to do, and doing them diligently.
Being adult means that now you focus on more important things, because that is the right thing to do.
Being adult requires you to constantly ask yourself,
who am I,
why am I here,
what do I need to do,
what can I do to make things better.

Of course all of these just make your brain drains and head aches.
It will make you feel like you lose your soul.
You may even neglect your actual physical needs as you live your life as an adult, making yourself deprived from whatever you need.

This is where entertainment crucially helps you to get on your feet.

Entertainment is not something that you constantly chase.
Entertainment is something that can make you feel human again, when you are dealing with all of the important things in your life.

It revives you up and will give you more willpower to do what you gotta do.

Entertainment is okay, entertainment is good.
So whatever you like, it is okay.

Just keep in our minds that it is not THE most important thing in the world.
It is not at all.


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