Moving Out to a New Home! (Virtually) 😃

Here's today's announcement. Alhamdulillah, after working earnestly for months, I finally can announce that I have a website! So what's up in this website? Aside from being a one-stop center for my portfolio & activities, I have opened my very own online shop! So far, it is full with my preloved books, which brings me to the next announcement; Preloved Books Sale is coming again to you! With even wider range of genres & even more affordable price, this shop as all the books you need. Only click & buy in one browser & one website. A new book would be on sale every day, so keep your eyes out 👀 Susbscribe so that you would be the 1st person to know about new posts & products 👍🏽 For starter, I think this is a good product to lead with. With that being said, stay tuned for more products to come 😏 I'm excited with all the results that come so far,

The Irony of Time

My finals started about 2 weeks ago. As a result, 1 week ago, I didn't post anything on any social medias. Like, at all.

Why? Am I busy enough studying and battling with papers to answer last week.

Uh, not really. In fact, coincidentally, I had no papers at all last week.

So why am I 'ghosting' from this responsibility of uploading content (almost) daily?

Well, around now you may be able to guess the reason, or more accurately the excuse, of me doing so. I decided to dedicate the whole of week studying for my remaining papers.

Yes, I had no papers, but I intended to just study the whole week.

1 week with no interruption at all, just focusing on studying.
That would be heaven, right? And I should accomplished what I had intended, right?

Ironically, I spent my time more on sleeping, watching YouTube as I tried to do so.
The more I want to spent my time on studying, the less time I get to study.

So ironic. Why?

I'm really confused too. I should be able to do so, but why I didn't?

I tried to think about it thoroughly, and this is my guess:

As much so-called focus that we want to have, to be able to do only one thing, in reality there are no such things.

As an individual, we can have many responsibilities on. As a son, student, friend, etc.
We must spend time with our family.
We must help our friends.
We must fulfill our jobs.
We must complete all our assignments.
We must even spare some time for leisure.
We need to allocate our time fairly to do all these. If we don't do so, we will be lacking responsibilities, and this will ultimately halt our own selves to function.

Humans are not meant to do one thing all the time.
Like I said before, we have to do so many things as responsible human beings.
But let's say we are able to get rid those things, and are actually able to focus on doing just one thing that we want to do. Just one thing.

Linearly thinking, we should be happy.
But I don't think so.

The diversity of our responsibilities essentially prevent us from being to overwhelmed, bored or feeling 'stuffy' from just doing 1 type of thing.

This is what I believe.
Because when I tried really hard, to really focus on studying, my attention got worse, and lesser inputs were being forced inside my head. And it's just only for a week.

Now, imagine school students. It could be you, or your children, or your brothers and sisters.
School students are expected and forced to study all the time, expecting that the more time they learn, the more excellent they will be in their studies. This will continue until they finished their studies. For Malaysians, that will take about 11 years if their lives.
Do you really think that will work?

They're not just students. They're humans. They're friends to someone. They're sons & daughters to someone.
Unfortunately, when they go to school, they will spend most of their time sitting in one place and cramming or sorts of info and inputs. When they step out from the school, they are reminded to study. When it's school holiday, they are given lots of homework to do, until they  barely have enough time to fulfill their other needs, such as serving their family, bonding with their friends, and even playing.

Yes, as a student, studying is a priority.
Studying is an important part of your life. But it is just a part of you life.
Where are the other parts? You are not just gonna throw them away, are you?
So, just like any other parts and responsibilities in your life, allocate your timing wisely and improvise your strategy effectively, to produce the best outcomes possible.

As a conclusion, the concept of time may seem to be simple and linear. But I believe that it is more unique and complex than we can comprehend.
Yet here we are, living with it though. So, try your best to utilize it as best as we can. Despite us not being able to understand it fully, we can use our already-known information to make use that we use it in the best way, that it can produce the best outputs.

Finally, I'm sorry for not updating anything. I will try my best to improve my time management and my efficiency. May God ease.


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