Moving Out to a New Home! (Virtually) 😃

Here's today's announcement. Alhamdulillah, after working earnestly for months, I finally can announce that I have a website! So what's up in this website? Aside from being a one-stop center for my portfolio & activities, I have opened my very own online shop! So far, it is full with my preloved books, which brings me to the next announcement; Preloved Books Sale is coming again to you! With even wider range of genres & even more affordable price, this shop as all the books you need. Only click & buy in one browser & one website. A new book would be on sale every day, so keep your eyes out 👀 Susbscribe so that you would be the 1st person to know about new posts & products 👍🏽 For starter, I think this is a good product to lead with. With that being said, stay tuned for more products to come 😏 I'm excited with all the results that come so far, ...

I'm Having A Writer's Block.

Guys, I gotta be real this time. I'm having a writer's block.

I do plan on making a new post 2 days prior, but I keep getting stuck. And I do realize that the clock's ticking, and whether I like it or not, I need to keep my promise to myself, on releasing new things once a week.
At the same time, I have lots of writing assignments to do, as many of university students may relate here. Although some of deadline is months away, I do wanted to start early. And by early, I also meant about 2 days prior.

But sadly, due to this block, I am unable to make it.

So, I thought to myself: "Hey, for this new post, let's just talk about this 'writer's block' thing. Maybe by talking about it, and sorting it, it can drain out my brain a little bit."

Maybe some of you may question: "Is this thing real? How do I make sure that these are not things that lazy people make up to cover up their laziness?"

Well, let's visit our good ol' friend, Wikipedia.

Writer's block can be defined as "a condition, primarily associated with writing, in which an author loses the ability to produce new work, or experiences a creative slowdown." And according to Irene Clark in Invention, throughout history, writer's block has been a documented problem."

A 'block' may not just be associated with writers.
An artist may have a 'block' in drawing.
A composer may have a 'block' in making new songs.
A choreographer may have a 'block' in making new dance moves.

According to my own knowledge, there are at least 3 types of writer's block:

1. No idea at all
This is the worst.
You just cannot get the ideas that you want to. How on earth are you going to move on in producing your work or content if you don't get the idea in the first place?

2. Not having a clear vision of the process
For your information, this is the one that I'm having right now.
I do have certain, in fact quite a lot, on the ideas that I want to do, for both the blog post and my assignment. But somehow I am stuck on the process of expanding my ideas and turning them into structured words. As a results, I have a bunch of unorganized drafts.

Yup, this is what it looks like.

3. Having hardship in making the content
You may have the idea, and you may know how to expand it in your head. But due to technicalities, you are unable to do so. Maybe your laptop stops working. Maybe you don't have the time on the day you need to write. Maybe too much editing slows you down.

Now, what causes writer's block?
To simply put it, it is categorized into 2 category:

1. Lack of inspiration
This is totally internal, from the writers themselves, which may lead to the first type of writer's block.

2. Distractions of life events
Example: writer's illnesses, writer's relationships with people around, financial pressures. etc.

So, how to overcome them?
These are just some of the things that you can do. You can also click here to read up more.

1. Do more creative stuff, other than writing
Examples: paint pictures, design images, make scrapbooks, etc. It may re-energizes your creativity, since it exercises the creative part of your brain, which may help to get the writing flow back.

2. Do freewriting
Just write (in a different document of course) anything you want to write. Anything on your mind. Ignore little things like grammar and punctuation. Be random. A solid 15-20 minutes session would be good.

3. Move your body
When your body flows, your mind follows. A relaxed mind will be more open and imaginative.

So yeah, I think that's it.

Finally, I hope, whatever you are going through today, God will help you out.
Just how He helped me today, from being totally blank to start, to having this complete post being released today.

All praise to Him.

p/s: I know, this is kind of a rushed writing, and I am sorry for that. If you still think this is not sufficient, I invite you to watch my new video here. Should a woman depend on a man? I invite you to check it up, and also, let me know what you think about it! *winky face*


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