In this era of so-claimed modern world, we are too busy chasing for external success, such as how modern our buildings are, how much money do we gain, how hot we are, and others. We only focus to how to gain things to the max, instead of focusing on being content, a.k.a feeling things to the max, with things that we already have. We let our body & mind rule, but we rarely listen to our souls, the very place where our humanity sits.
But, chasing of all of those worldly pleasures, goals and perfections, requires energy. So, when our energy is drained, we need to replenish our souls.
The very common way for us to replenish them, is through entertainment. Entertainment is the one thing of humanity that hasn't gone away yet. Entertainment is the one thing that proves that we are humans, that separates us apart from other creatures on this Earth.
Entertainment is one of the keys to our souls. But what about the other keys? It won't work alone. When others are gone, it will not properly serve its function.
One key will open only one kind of door. But yet we still focus on this one key, with the expectations it can unlock many other kinds of doors. As a result, we are getting improper and excessive entertainment. Why I say improper? Well, for various reasons.
1. Too sexualized
Sex is one of the things that humans are driven to, essentially due to our instinct of survival and reproduction. It is not wrong.
But now, the entertainment industry is too sexualized, that we are being brainwashed that having sex as many or as best as possible, will make us happy. And lack of these things will make us miserable.
So we unconciously preying on others like an animal on the inside, despite our appearance that seems very human on the outside.
2. Encouraging rebellions
I mean bad rebellion here.
Rebel for your own satisfaction.
Rebel to just feel like a king.
Rebel to feel boastful.
(Totally different with rebellion of a corrupted system, filled with hopes & dreams of the better future.)
The entertainment industry portrays rebelling out of nothing is fun.
Vandalisme is fun.
'Spitting mad bars' of hurting others is fun.
Breaking the laws, and making your own 'laws', are fun.
These kind of rebellions bring disaster and loses. Apart from that, these rebellions are selfish rebellions.
3. Hurting others
All of those funny contents, they are designed to be as funny as possible. Too much that they hurt others.
We used to be sensitive with sensitive issues. Even if we don't like them, disagree about something in them, or don't think that they are important, we know there are other people who do feel that way.
So we don't simply make fun of it.
Besides, we rarely see sensitive issues being brought for open discussions and debates. So whatever frustration we are penting up inside, due to our dislikeness or disagreement, we tend to expose it with jokes.
(This is why I personally believe that sensitive issues should be approached with well-organized dialogues & debates. Sensitive issues should be discussed to minimize conflicts, but not to make fun of.)
As a result, combined with entertainment industry that is definitely on top right now, we make fun of everything. Everything is a joke.
Religion is a joke.
Politic is a joke.
Poverty is a joke.
Something bad's happening to someone? That's a joke.
My life? It's a joke.
Your life? It's a joke.
Sensitive issues? They're jokes.
What's even worse, whoever openly tells that they are offended by the jokes, will be called butthurt. We've been living in a world of making jokes out of everything, and being expected not to be offended.
These are what you get when you expect only and only entertainment to fuel our soul.
You will rebel on life, want to find maximum pleasure and feel nothing is important.
And since life and worldly pleasures are never perfect, you may end up having depression.
So, what else that can fuel our soul, that we give so little of our attention to?
Well, there are many more. Beliefs. Feelings. Art. Behaviors. Spirituality. Social lives.
Like I said, we want to find external success. And that drains us, so we replenish with entertainment.
Not that this is wrong. But everything must be done in moderation.
Aim for the highest success, but be grateful with being successful enough.
And replenishing our soul will take a lot more than entertainment, in various ratios. We just need a little bit of entertainment, combined with strengthening our beliefs, improving our spirituality, having a good quality of social lives, indulging into arts, and recognizing and working on our feelings.
Just to name a few actually.
Our physiology make us animals.
Our minds make us intellects.
Our souls make us humans.
When we fuel ourselves the right thing, then we will have the right energy to achieve the right success.
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