
Showing posts from September, 2018

Moving Out to a New Home! (Virtually) 😃

Here's today's announcement. Alhamdulillah, after working earnestly for months, I finally can announce that I have a website! So what's up in this website? Aside from being a one-stop center for my portfolio & activities, I have opened my very own online shop! So far, it is full with my preloved books, which brings me to the next announcement; Preloved Books Sale is coming again to you! With even wider range of genres & even more affordable price, this shop as all the books you need. Only click & buy in one browser & one website. A new book would be on sale every day, so keep your eyes out 👀 Susbscribe so that you would be the 1st person to know about new posts & products 👍🏽 For starter, I think this is a good product to lead with. With that being said, stay tuned for more products to come 😏 I'm excited with all the results that come so far, ...

Kenapa Rakyat Malaysia Tak Suka Debat

Malaysia ini penuh dengan kepelbagaian. Pendek kata, ada macam-macam benda dekat Malaysia ni. Orangnya macam-macam. Tempatnya macam-macam. Hutannya macam-macam. Makanannya? Macam-macam! Kepercayaan? Ya, semestinya pelbagai juga kepercayaan yang rakyat Malaysia anuti. Tak terhad kepada kepercayaan agama sahaja, malah daripada sekecil-kecil benda sehingga ke sebesar-besar benda, kita percaya tentang perkara yang berbeza-beza. Dan, seperti yang kita tahu, cara terbaik untuk manusia yang bermacam-macam kepercayaan ini untuk hidup bersama-sama, adalah dengan mencari persamaan antara mereka & hidup berdasarkan persamaan tersebut. Jadi, disebabkan Malaysia ini terlalu pelbagai dalam pelbagai perkara, maka kita, rakyat Malaysia, akan biasanya cuba sedaya upaya kita untuk mengekalkan keadaan hidup, dalam keadaan harmoni. Jadi, hasilnya, walaupun pada hakikatnya kita semua ini berbeza-beza, kita akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk kelihatan sama, untuk mengelakkan & meminimakan seb...

There's No Need to Rush

"When are you gonna graduate?" "When are you gonna work?" "When are you gonna marry?" "When are you gonna have children?" These are simple questions. But often, they bring a lot of anxiety. Why? Because they trigger us to feel that we don't do enough. They trigger us to feel that we need to rush in doing the things that we have been asked. "When am I gonna graduate?" "When am I gonna work?" "When am I gonna marry?" "When am I gonna have children?" Apart from that, they also trigger us to compare ourselves with others. "Jane had graduated already." "Zach had started to work already." "Mary had got married already." "Felix had a child already." These questions make us feel pressured & insecure, at least during the time when the question is asked. But for some people, those questions asked can pressure them almost all the time, until they...

Should Weddings Be Grand?

(watch the video here) This video interests me. It's about how this couple could not enjoy themselves, in their own wedding! They bought food, spent money, and made the wedding enjoyable to everyone but themselves. This is a typical yet saddening reality. We give all out, especially our money, to make our wedding as grand as possible, as merry as possible. Yet we're the last ones to enjoy it, if we do. It's not like we're not happy with others being happy. But don't we get to be happy? Especially at our own wedding? "Now what? We gotta make our wedding like the back alley now?" I don't think this issue is binary. What interests me in this video, is not about the couple not being able to enjoy their own wedding, but something else. If someone asks me should a wedding be grand or not, this will be my answer: Make it as grand as you can. That's the important phrase: as you can. Which means, whatever left after you subtract the basic ...

Apa yang Aku Mahu Sebenarnya

Apakah dalam hidup ini kita perlu mengejar segala perkara yang kita mampu? Atau cukupkah hidup ini sekadar mengambil keperluan asas agar kekal bernafas? Bagi aku, aku mahu hidup cukup-cukup sahaja. Jika yang datang padaku itu kurang, aku akan berusaha untuk mencukupkannya. Jika yang datang padaku itu lebih, aku akan ambil apa yang perlu dan manfaatkan lebihannya. Apabila terlunas kecukupanku, barulah aku boleh fokus untuk memperbaiki diriku. Aku tak perlukan kemewahan harta benda. Namun aku juga tidak mahu hidup dalam kedaifan. Aku hanya mahukan harta yang dapat memenuhi keperluanku, sehingga pencarian harta itu bukanlah perkara yang asyik bermain di fikiranku. Aku hanya mahukan harta yang dapat memenuhi keperluanku, sehingga aku boleh fokus untuk tujuan penciptaanku yang utama; ibadah kepada Tuhanku. Jika hartaku kurang, aku akan berusaha sehingga pencarian hartaku tidak mengganggu ibadahku. Jika hartaku lebih, aku akan memanfaatkan lebihannya untuk beribadah kepada Tuhank...