Moving Out to a New Home! (Virtually) πŸ˜ƒ

Here's today's announcement. Alhamdulillah, after working earnestly for months, I finally can announce that I have a website! So what's up in this website? Aside from being a one-stop center for my portfolio & activities, I have opened my very own online shop! So far, it is full with my preloved books, which brings me to the next announcement; Preloved Books Sale is coming again to you! With even wider range of genres & even more affordable price, this shop as all the books you need. Only click & buy in one browser & one website. A new book would be on sale every day, so keep your eyes out πŸ‘€ Susbscribe so that you would be the 1st person to know about new posts & products πŸ‘πŸ½ For starter, I think this is a good product to lead with. With that being said, stay tuned for more products to come 😏 I'm excited with all the results that come so far, ...

V Creator Semi-Final Pitch

Alhamdulillah, yesterday I got the chance to pitch for the semi-finals!

It is held at GA Space, a beautiful co-working space, located in the area of Luyang at Kota Kinabalu. But it does not end there, just by providing a space to work. Instead, GA Space is dedicated in coaching & mentoring young entrepreneurs, with providing co-working space as just one of their efforts to achieve the goals.

If you found this information to be relevant to you, I highly encourage you to click here to find out the nearest branches to you & check them out!

The following are the 20 contestants competing in the pitch competition.

It is very refreshing to hear all of these entrepreneurs, some being future entrepreneurs, delivering confidence & tenacity in pitching their business idea.

For example, I got a chance to work with Mothy Mitar in the three-days camp, who aims to provide a virtual tour guide app, which further will make touring especially for foreign tourists easier. As Malaysia is highly known for its tourism industry around the world, I believe his ideas will will significantly change Malaysian tourism landscape in years to come.

Another inspiring contestant to me is Joyce Lu, a fellow student of Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Only in her first year of studying, she has already proven herself to a great extent by being able to move foward to this semi-final contest. Her business idea is to develop an app connecting business owners and easing many technicalities for them.

Another contestant that caught my eye is Aisyah Aqilah, who runs a confinement centre (pusat pantang). I didn't know that was a thing!
Her business model is very suitable for the current era; providing a comprehensive care for both mothers and newborns in a very homely area. I'm so happy for her when she made it to the finals. I'm thinking of going there already, even I'm definitely far away from even getting married lol 🀣

And of course, out of my capability of mentioning every contestant here, I am humbled to meet them & hearing out their ideas. And I wish all the best for them in their future ventures!

These are my friends who are willing to sacrifice their weekend just to hear & vote a 5 minutes pitch for me. I'll say it again to use guys; moga Allah membalas jasa kalian 😊

We are the UMS team! Coming down to support us are the Advisor of UMS Entrepreneurship Club & officers from Pusat Kerjaya & Alumni UMS.

"You're telling all of this, and you're still not telling us your business idea?"

Of course I will tell you. Just, not yet.

Do stay tuned! πŸ˜‰

What's on my mind? Have a guess while you're at it.


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