Moving Out to a New Home! (Virtually) 😃

Here's today's announcement. Alhamdulillah, after working earnestly for months, I finally can announce that I have a website! So what's up in this website? Aside from being a one-stop center for my portfolio & activities, I have opened my very own online shop! So far, it is full with my preloved books, which brings me to the next announcement; Preloved Books Sale is coming again to you! With even wider range of genres & even more affordable price, this shop as all the books you need. Only click & buy in one browser & one website. A new book would be on sale every day, so keep your eyes out 👀 Susbscribe so that you would be the 1st person to know about new posts & products 👍🏽 For starter, I think this is a good product to lead with. With that being said, stay tuned for more products to come 😏 I'm excited with all the results that come so far, ...

What Does It Mean to Make Love?

Sexual entertainment is norm now. We can't hide nor deny it.

Every song will have at least 1 line as a sexual reference.
Every movie or other types of visual entertainment will potray the supposely intimate scene graphically.
Every novel will also attempt to make the readers visualize the scene.
Every dance is not a dance without some sexy moves.

As a result, we walk around like a human on the outside, but unconciously preying on others like an animal on the inside.

Our brains send cues to arouse ourselves. It can be what you see, hear, feel or think. Then it is up to us to take action. Just let it be? Stare? Jerk off behind the computer? Find a hooker? Demand by force?

Once or twice, it is inevitable. But what happen today is that these arousals keep coming, every time, everywhere, in every way. It is too much to the point that just 'letting it be' is not an option anymore.

So we will cope. And our coping mechanisms will be different. Also considering, our treshold level differs among us. Some try to keep themselves busy with other things. Some just stare while imagining things. Some will jerk off behind the computer. And unfortunately, some will demand by force, from anyone that is possible. Kids or adults, strangers or closed ones, as long as it is gained.

Regardless of what we do, we will become animals. Desperate ones. We don't want to cause harm, neither to ourselves nor others. We don't want anyone to get into trouble. Most importantly, we don't even want to have sex on the first place.
But out of our will, we did it anyway.

Generally, sex itself is just an action. But what about it that brings changes to us, is how it affect our habits, our mental state, our morality and reasoning, and our relationship with other people.
It can affect us positively or negatively. Unfortunately most of the time, it affects us negatively.

So how do we turn the situation to benefit us? Because our desires to have sex is completely normal. We deserve to feel this sexual arousal and have sex.

Have sex with the right person.

You might think sex with multiple people, with no strings attached, will make you feel happier and more satisfied. Biologically and emotionally at least.

But it will make you crave for more partners and higher demands. It can even lead to sex addiction.

Just stick with your partner, like your husband or wife, for example. In a sense, your sexual lives and activities may be lacking in the terms of diversity. But sex is a very good way to maintain and improve your relationship with your partner. And a good relationship will overall lead to a genuine life happiness and satisfaction.

It is worth it to restrain yourself. Even if you are single, don't go around meeting people to expect sex. It is never an appropriate approach to build a relationship. Use your single time to build yourself. Be a better person. So each time someone leaves, you prepare yourself for someone better.

Why do you think one of the slang of sex, is to make love? Because we really do seek love in the first place. We will start of with a decent relationship. Maybe a friend, a colleague, or even a mutual friend. Then we will develop more feelings towards them. We will talk about it with them. If they have mutual feelings, then you will mutually decide to be in a relationship.

Then the satisfaction begins. You bond. You connect. You engage in activities together. Sex is just one of the (fun) things that you do. Especially in this hyper-sexualized era, where you want to let it out, but don't want to cause any harm to other people.

But the most important thing is, you are being loved, so you love them back.
That is the beauty of a relationship. That is what will make you happy.

Unfortunately, we are being told by the entertainment industry that going to strip clubs, having one night stands, try to hook up with every person as possible, will make you feel happy. And they portray the idea through all of those sexualized songs, movies, novels and dances.
So the singles proudly announce that they won't get married, to avoid commitments. Claiming that they will be happier without a relationship.

But that's the point. Humans will always have and will make commitment. There's no such human that just 'do nothing'. You will always do something. In fact, you will always want to do something. It's human nature.

So isn't it better to give your commitment to someone that will make you feel happy and being loved? When you are being given happiness and love, fulfilling your commitments will almost be automated by yourself.

I'll wrap this up.
I am not saying deciding not to get married is bad. I am not saying getting into a relationship is the best. It really depends on you and your situation. This is a personal thing. And everyone is different. So it is not surprising that we all have different approach, timing and actions.

I just want you, who are reading this, to just think and do the best for you. And I don't think it is a good mindset to make sex a goal in your relationship. Sex is just one of things you do to reach your actual goal, which is to feel loved and to love. We actually know that already. It is just that, we are bombarded by all types of sexualized entertainment that makes us forget.

So I really want nothing but the best for you. I'm just giving guidelines. It is up to you to decide, not me.

May you and me, make the best decisions in our lives. And may God guide us all for that.

p/s: To the entertainment industry, please stop sexualizing things. Please stop exploiting our nature of wanting to have sex, to give you money. Do it with other things, at least. Because how we viewed you has impacted our relationships with actual people.

I believe you guys are humans too, just like how we are. I believe you guys have relationships that you value. Imagine those relationships break just because of you watching horny things all the time, without you even wanting to.

Please stop, before you yourselves will become victims like us. The best weapon is the one that, after killing everybody, kills its owner.


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